oppss!!ak kna jwb de 1st tagged from farah plak..dah byk kli remind ak..bek la farah syg..~~ak jwb nie..lpas jwb nie ak gtau ko..[1] Who was your last text from?~budak mnja...
2] Where was your default pic taken?~x ingt lorh..
[3]Your relationship status?~disConnEtted 2 any0ne...hehe..kwn lgi besh~~x yh pk byk2..epi jer..lalala~~
[4] Have you ever lost a close friend?~suma dok jauh..rndu2..huhu
[5] What is your current mood?~ermm..ok jer..epi..n bowink2..
[6] What's your brother's name?~der sowg abg jer..de only 0ne in my fmily..muhammad fadzli..
[7 ] What's your favorite color(s)?~i like pink~bes~..green~natural~..white~suci n bersih~~
[8] Where do you wish you were right now?~nak g rumah Allah..doakan smpai ek!!
~searching 4 mardhatillah..~~
9] Have a crazy side?~stakat nie x lgi la..cpat bgi ubat kat farah!!japg tkut x tkawal dah..haha
[10] Ever had a near death experience?~my c0usin meninggal c0z talasemia..huhu cdey2..
~x pnah lmas g cam si farah..hehe~~ stakat nie tawu g jga dri..hehe
[11] Something you do a lot?~ermmm...ckp byk tpi x byk ngat p0n..still leh kontrol..
[12] Angry at anyone?~ermm..der jgk..tpi bak kta farah xbek marah2..
[13] What's stopping you from going to the person you like?~mak soh take a shower..hehe~~
[14]When was the last time you cried?~let me remind back..ermm arie last skul..cdey nk pisah ngan kwn2 skul..huhu
[15] Is there anyone you would do anything for?~my Islam..my luvly fmily..my frenzz.. :)
[16] What do you think about when you are falling asleep?~tom0rrow n tomorrow.. (:
[17] Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?~my sis..
[18] What are your favorite songs?~nasyid n lagu2 yg x mnambah kesemakan kpala nie..
[19] What are you doing right now?~ngah mnaip jwb tag si bdak mnja nie..
[20] Who do you trust right now?~me n myself~
[21] Where did you get the shirt you are wearing?~mak beli..
[22] Have you kissed someone in the past week?~yup..arie2..
[23] What is your lucky number?~no..no..no n x penah ader p0n..
[24] Who are your friends that are closest to you?~suma closest..
[25] Describe your life in one word..~epi..
[26] Who are you thinking of right now?~ermm..spe ek..byk ngat owg nak kna pk..x tkira..haha~~
[27] What should you be doing right now?~thinking n thinking...huhuhu
[28]If you could wish for something over a birthday cake right now what would it be..~wish nak skses dunia akhirat..suma nyer depend on ALLAH..
[29] What are you listening to?~smething yg mnyengkan..~
[30] Who was the last person who gave you a hug?~my m0m..my dad..my 2 sis..
[31] Who was the last person who yelled at you?~my adik..ska memekik mcm x da keja len..hehe~~
[32] Do you act differently around the person you like?~aku tetap aku..x nak jdi owg laen..h0h0
[33] What is your natural hair color?~ermm..secret n secret..
[34] Who was the last person to make you laugh?~my m0m n my dad last morning..haha~~
[35] Who will be tagged by u?~farah si budak mnja..haha misz u so much!! :)